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Here at Dallow we are improving the life chances of every child by providing an engaging and challenging MFL curriculum, which will prepare our pupils to participate in a rapidly changing world, as well as providing them with an opening to other cultures. We believe all pupils have the right to a rich and deep learning experience that includes the learning of the foundation of an additional language. We encourage our pupils to use language to communicate information responsibly and creatively, which involves speaking and listening, reading and, in Upper Key Stage 2, some writing where opportunities arise.   We also recognise that learning a modern foreign language increases a child’s understanding of their own language, and the building blocks which form this.

Learning a foreign language reinforces fluency and understanding of grammar, and shows pupils the importance of speaking and listening skills. The teaching of MFL is not compulsory in Key Stage 1. We teach a rich curriculum from Year 3 upwards, that enables our pupils to become effective users of language, and show an understanding and respect of different cultures in our local, national and global communities. 

The children will be immersed in MFL through class and year group learning during Spanish Day, this will mainly be geared at Key Stage 2 pupils. During this time children will engage in Spanish art and crafts activities, learn about Spanish culture and history, food making/tasting and dressing up, as well as having Spanish music or dance, with a view to inviting Spanish musicians or speakers to engage pupils in class or assemblies. All of these activities will make cross-curricular links with many subjects including History, Art, DT and Food Technology, as well as Music and Speaking and Listening.  

Immersive learning is something we do very well at Dallow given our high percentage of EAL children, this always engages the children from the beginning and provides a strong recall ability. The children are provided with opportunities to showcase their learning to their peers through class and year group assemblies.

Our whole-school Language of the Month exposes children to a range of languages from around the world.  This supports the global IPC curriculum and broadens the children’ exposure to other languages.  This is particularly relevant in Dallow’s multicultural community.

Our aim at Dallow is to combine learning and play when teaching Spanish; this can include pupils  practising songs and rhymes, playing games and engaging in dialogues (both with peers and with teachers).  We believe these interactions enhance the learning experience of an MFL in an engaging and positive way. 

Please click here to follow the learning journey from YR - Y6 in MFL

Please click here to see the progression grids for YR - Y6 in MFL___