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Religious Education

At Dallow Primary School, Religious Education (RE) is delivered through the agreed Bedfordshire SACRE syllabus. As part of our school ethos, RE is taught to all children as it is seen as a fundamental element in the broad and balanced curriculum that we provide. This is particularly important at Dallow as we are a multi-cultural community and the religious makeup of this community is very varied.

Our intention, in RE is to improve the life chances of every child. We intend to fulfil this by providing a variety of rich learning opportunities, which will engage, inspire and encourage children to develop their knowledge and understanding of the principal religions represented in Great Britain today. Studying a range of religions will not only enable the children to develop their own spiritual knowledge but it will also aid the development of a deeper awareness and acceptance of beliefs, values, traditions and cultures of individuals within our societies and communities, particularly our school community.

Here at Dallow Primary School, we teach RE in a variety of ways in order for children to understand and respect the beliefs of different religions, as well as the stories and symbolism involved in them.  We also encourage the children to compare religions and recognise the similarities and differences between and within religions.  This is done through role play, visits to places of religious worship and welcoming visitors from different religions to come into school and work with the children.  We believe that implementing RE in this manner helps promote respect, morality and open-mindedness towards others with different beliefs and faiths within the school community and preparing the children for the wider world, to challenge intolerance and grow mutual respect.

Please click here to see the progression grid for YR - Y6 in Religious Education___