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At Dallow Primary School we strive to improve the life chances of every child and to ensure they leave at the end of the KS2 prepared to excel going forward in life. It is therefore our intent at Dallow to teach children life skills that will positively impact on their future.  PE is fundamental to achieving this.

PE at Dallow is an essential element of the curriculum, which allows us to promote and establish healthy lifestyles including understanding the benefits of a healthy and balanced diet.  This is supported by our school caterers who cook all the meals from fresh ingredients.

PE is character building and promotes a positive mindset which supports classroom learning and mirrors our school values/ethos of respect, fairness and perseverance.  We deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities from PE specialists that inspire all children to succeed in physical activities. We teach children how to cooperate and collaborate with others, as part of a team, understanding fairness and equity of play to embed life-long values. 

From Early Years to Year 6 every child has two hours of timetabled PE every week, through lessons such as gymnastics, dance, orienteering, health related fitness and a plethora of invasion games. We use the Young Leader programme to develop leadership and mentoring skills in our year 5 and 6 pupils. 

PE is especially important at Dallow as the school is located in an inner city area and we aim to ensure children have opportunities both during the school day and through extra curricular activities, which are pivotal due to the lack of these opportunities they have out of school time.

Furthermore, our aim is to offer our pupils opportunities beyond the curriculum with holiday clubs taking place offered exclusively to Dallow pupils. We also will look to work with local clubs again such as Luton Indians cricket club, Luton Town FC, Chance to Shine and Little Performers Dance group. We will continue to broaden our range of ‘different’ sports offered with Kurling, Boccia, Orienteering and handball being taught across KS2.

Please click here to follow the learning journey from YR - Y6 in PE

Please click here to see the progression grid for YR - Y6 in PE___