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At Dallow Primary school we are focusing on improving the life chances of every child in history, through captivating and engaging history lessons will inspire pupils' curiosity and inquisitiveness and engage the next generation of children to look to the past to learn for the future.

Using a combination of the National Curriculum and the International Primary Curriculum our children at Dallow will have the chance to learn about the history and chronology of important communities and civilizations around the world and importantly their local history which will provide them with the chance to become immersed in their local heritage and culture. 

The children will be immersed in history through dress up days and class and year group learning for example; Year 2 have an Florence Nightingale workshop, Year 3 learn about the Stone Age and have a  dress up day and make their own cave paintings and fossils forming links with Art and DT, Year 4 have a creative Egyptians day, making Egyptian scrolls and having Egyptian food tasting making links with English and Food Technology , Year 5 study Roman and Greek history through role play and take part in a history project that they then share with their class building on their oracy and presenting skills and they listen to Greek Music to enhance their learning experience and Year 6 visit RAF Hendon as part of their ‘What Price Progress’ topic looking at inventions and discoveries and how they changed the world .  

Immersive learning is something we do very well at Dallow given our high percentage of EAL children, this always engages the children from the beginning and provides a strong recall ability. The children are provided with opportunities such as trips, speakers and the opportunity to showcase their learning to their peers through class and year group assemblies.   This will be aided by us taking part in a local histories project, allowing us to delve into the history of our town and follow the lives of the families who lived and worked in key buildings and will supply the children with opportunities to ask questions and interview key figures in the community. 

We believe high quality and engaging history lessons will enhance  our children with the key skills required of historians, they will learn about chronology, how to critically think and evaluate, and use their findings to construct informed and challenging responses providing an enhanced cross curricular link with English and developing our children for most of whom speak English as an additional language with enhanced opportunities to speak English and expose them to new and enriching vocabulary whilst immersing them in a rich and varied learning environment. Our dedication to providing a strong and sustainable teaching of history will equip our children with a firm understanding of their heritage and provide key skills to benefit them in the future.


Please click here to see the progression grid for YR - Y6 in History___